Snow Policies

Don’t Plow or Snow Blow Driveway Snow onto Town roads

Even though snow can pile up on your driveway, the town road is no place to put it. In fact, it’s against the law to put any object onto town road right of way, including snow.

Shoveling or plowing snow onto the road or the shoulder creates a hazard to other road users, and to Public Works snowplow operators. The chunks of snow and ice create an uneven road surface that can take drivers by surprise. The added burden of removing this additional snow increases Public Works snow removal costs. Snowplows do build berms at the end of driveways, so the Public Works asks property owners to help by shoveling that snow to the side, rather than back into the road.

Having to clear the end of your driveway after the plow passes can be frustrating, but with thousands of driveways along town roads, Public Work crews can’t clear everyone. When we’re faced with winter conditions, our priority is keeping the roads as clear as possible. Once the storm has passed, we’ll keep coming back until the roadway is cleared of snow. Property owners can expect to shovel their driveways several times, but don’t put it in the roadway."

People who persist in plowing snow across the road could be cited under Connecticut law.

The Snowplow damaged my mailbox, what can be done?

The Board of Selectmen establishes the following policy concerning mailboxes: Residents are reminded to adhere to U.S. Postal Service regulations regarding placement of mailboxes; see  In the event a mailbox or post is physically struck by a snowplow employed by the town, the Town will provide a basic replacement mailbox and post.

A mailbox or post will not be repaired or replaced if damage was caused by the force of snow thrown by plows.