Construction Stormwater General Permit

What is it?

The General Permit for the Discharge of Stormwater and Dewatering Wastewaters from Construction Activities (Construction General Permit) is designed for developers and builders throughout the state. It requires implementation of a Stormwater Pollution Control Plan (SWPCP) for construction activity sites to prevent and mitigate the effects of erosion and sedimentation both during and after construction in order to lessen the impacts of stormwater pollution.

Why is it needed?

Throughout construction, disturbances to the land can cause erosion and sedimentation. Erosion is caused by the removal of protective natural vegetation, as well as the addition of impermeable surfaces being placed on top of the soil. As it rains, sedimentation occurs, with sediments entering storm runoff and being deposited into local waterways. These processes can cause great damage to water quality, aquatic life and habitats, wetlands, and have other environmental consequences.

Even after construction is finished, other pollutants, such as fertilizers, pesticides, or metals, may still be present and runoff into waterways during storms, making it increasingly important to address the possible pollutants both during and after construction.

All site plans will be subject to the requirements of the Construction Stormwater General Permit when there is a cumulative land disturbance of 1-acre or more.  Plans should have the land disturbance area clearly notated to ensure compliance with this required Permit.

Please visit the UConn NEMO Construction Stormwater General Permit page for the following information:

  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • SWPCP details
  • Stormwater Control Measures covering:
    • Erosion & Sediment Controls
    • Dewatering Wastewaters
    • Post-construction Stormwater Management
    • Other Controls